Site in French

History of Site Changes



History of Site Changes

Updating Groups
Personal update: First names, histories, dates of birth,Citations,...
With the help of Mr Michel CRISTESCU et Mr Jean-Claude FEIND

Stories of Men:
Source Mr Freddy HOFFERT, his Son
Updating Groups
Personal update: First names, histories, dates of birth,Citations,...
Updating Groups
Personal update: First names, histories, dates of birth,Citations,...
With the help of Mr Ludovic MARCADET, Grandson of Sergeant Pierre MARCADET
These last two updates were made with the help of Mr Denis CAZENAVE, son of Captain Fran�ois CAZENAVE.
Bilan des Pertes :
Updating Groups:
Personal update: First names, histories, dates of birth,Citations,...
With the help of Mr Ludovic MARCADET, Grandson of Sergeant Pierre MARCADET
Updating Groups:
Personal update: First names, histories, dates of birth,Citations,...
Aircrafts :
Source Flight Sergeant Frank Field who served with 451 Sqn RAAF in the Western Desert., via Mr Ian JEMPSON
Updating Groups:
Personal update: First names, histories, dates of birth,Citations,...
Updating Groups:
Personal update: First names, histories, dates of birth,Citations,...
Reconnaissance Group:
Personal update: First names, histories, dates of birth,Citations,...
Reconnaissance Group:
Personal update: First names, histories, dates of birth,Citations,...
Reconnaissance Group:
Personal update: First names, histories, dates of birth,Citations,...
- GR I/35
Reconnaissance Group:
Personal update: First names, histories, dates of birth,Citations,...

Observation Group:
Observation Group:
Navale Aviation:
- Publication of 330 new pages dedicated to Naval Aviation - The home page can be accessed via the link at the top right of this page, as well as in all the main pages of this site
Home Page :
Assault Bombing Squadron :
Publication of the pages on line :
Publication of the pages on line :
Publication of the pages on line :
Reconnaissance Aircrafts:
Publication of the pages on line :
Publication of the pages on line :
Squadrons :
Publication of the pages on line :
Aircrafts :
Publication of the pages on line :
Squadrons :
Publication of the pages on line :
Squadrons :
- GB I/31 : addition photos, March diary,...
Aircraft :
Aircrafts :
Publication of the pages on line :
Aircrafts : - Lioré & Olivier LéO 451
New Personnel section :
Generalities :
1) Pages of the following Squadrons completed : (Flying and non flying personnel, Citations, Displacement map,...) :
2) GB I/31 : added name and photo of Chief Warrant Officer Emile FLAMANT,
Source Ms Anne-Claire Ratajczak, her great-granddaughter
3) Page Aircraft FARMAN F222 :addition of two unpublished photos
Source Pascal POLY
4) Addition of a link to the "Air Force Officers Uniforms " page on the ""
1) Pages of the following Squadrons completed : (Flying and non flying personnel, Citations, Displacement map,...) :
- GAO III/551
- GB II/38
With these supplements, there are now 3645 combattants, including 354 non-flyings personel..
2) GB II/38 :
addition photo of Chief-Warrant Officer Joseph BECK, pilot.
Source Mr Adrien LEBOUT, his Great Grandson
1) Addition of the name and photo of Captain Patrick MORDACQ, Observer at GAO IV/551 :
Source Mr Pierre MORDACQ, Grandson of Captain MORDACQ

2) Addition Sergeant DUGNAT, Sergeant FARELACCI and Sub-Lieutenant TINLAND, crew of the GAO 544, of the GR II/52 and finally of the GR II/55 :
Source Mr Jacques GAZEL (Site Crew Halifax NA547)

3) Updating the pages of the GR I/35 :
- Supplementary list Pilots and non-navigating personnel
1) Updating the pages of the GC III/7 :
- Supplementary list Pilots, non-navigating personnel and aircraft
1) Updating the pages of the GC II/4 :
- Addition non-navigating personnel

2) Addition to the new section :
This list is now divided into 4 parts:
To date, 337 men have been registered.

Thanks to Mr Bernard BARTET for the list of Polish mechanics.

1) Updating the pages of the GBA I/54 et GBA II/54 :
- Personal (New Names, Photos, History)
- Aircrafts
- Addition non-navigating personnel (see below)

2) Addition of a new rubric :
In this list you will find the non-Navigating personnel of the Squadrons: Mechanics, Doctors, Administrative Officers,... The list is modest for the moment (107 people), but will grow over time.
In the pages dedicated to Squadrons, these names of ground personnel will also be added, GBA I/54 GBA II/54, GR I/35 et GC I/5 are the first to benefit from them.
1) The pages of GB I/31 could be completed thanks to the documents kindly shared by Mr Gilles AUDOUX, son of Corporal-Major AUDOUX Abel, made prisoner on September 9, 1939.
- Crew Members of GB I/31 :
- Addition Sergeant PECHERANT Machine-gunner
Addition Sergeant ROBERT : Machine-gunner
- Addition photo, citation and first name Master-Corporal AUDOUX Abel
Addition photo, citation and first name Sergeant SENOT-DE-LA-LONDE Maurice
- Addition photo Chief-Warrant-Officer CHARPENTIER
-Addition of crew photos of the Bloch MB200 No132 after its capture on September 9, 1932

- Supplementary list of GB I/31 :
- BLOCH MB200 : No122
2) On page of GB I/34, addition of photos, Citations and some information on Staff Sergeant LECLERC thanks to the information provided by his Daughter, Mrs Anne NEWLAND.
- Addition photo and citation on Sergeant Marcel Charbonnier.
- Addition of details on accident of the Amiot 143 No110 and its crew
Source Mrs Josyane ROUSSEL : the Sergeant Marcel CHARBONNIER was his father
1) - Launch of the "Naval Aviation" extension. This part is accessible via the logo at the top right of this page, and eventually, on all the pages of the site.

This new part of the site includes 320 pages which brings the totality of the site to more than 1000 pages in French and as many in English.

The information on GR II/22 and GR II/14 below comes from Lieutenant ANCET Victor's flight log, document kindly shared by his son, Mr Robert ANCET.
2) - Addition Crew members of GR II/14 :
- ANCET Victor Lieutenant : Observer (Assigned to GR II/22 then GR II/14)
BOYER Staff-Sergeant : Machine-Gunner
- FAURE Sergeant : Pilot
- LAUGEROTTE Sergeant : Pilot
- MINARD Sergeant
: Machine-Gunner
- PARAGOT Sergeant
: Machine-Gunner
- RACLET Staff-Sergeant
: Machine-Gunner
3) - Supplementary list of GR II/22 Aircraft:
- BLOCH MB131 : No45 / 51 / 53 / 54 / 88 / 98 / 122 / 126
- Potez 63-11 : No 14 / 38 / 216 / 220 / 258 / 282
4) - Supplementary list of GR II/14 Aircraft :
- Potez 63-11 : No 196 / 220 / 242 / 252 / 287 / 424 / 431 / 441 / 496 / 817
- BOUVALLET Sub-Lieutenant
- BOYRON Sergeant
- DAPAGNERC Sergeant
- DUPUY Chief-Warrant Officer
- HERROU Chief-Warrant Officer
- MATMOBEL Sergeant
- OULES Staff-Sergeant
- STEFF Eugene Captain
- THUNLAN Chief-Warrant Officer
- TIBLE Sergeant
(Source from Mr X.SAUREL, Grandson of the Captain STEFF)
- LECLERC Robert Staff-Sergeant - Pilot
(Source Mrs A. NEWLAND, daughter of Robert LECLERC)
- The extension of the site "French Naval Aviation" has unfortunately been delayed ... Placed on line in July 2020: to date, 244 pages are carried out on the 344 planned
Add to Reconnaissance personnal list, 4 men from GAO586
(Source Mr CARTERON JC, nephew from Georges CARTERON) :
- Captain DODELIER
- Private 1st Class CARTERON Georges
- Staff-Sergeant BERNARD Robert
- Chief-Warrant Officer GUEDET François
The last three died on may 8, 1940by accident aboard the Potez 630 No43
Add Staff-Sergeant Jean Louis REYNAUD from GB I/62
- Page Citation Crews of bombardement
- Addition unpublished watercolors LéO 451 No29 and 48
Realized by Mr Jean-Charles FONTAN
-Addition page dedicated to Warrant Officer André GUERIN of GR II / 33
- Source : Mss Véronique GUERIN and Geneviève MOUSQUERE (Born GUERIN) daughters of André GUERIN
Mrs Yves and Dominqiue GUERIN, grandsons of André GUERIN
-Ajout photo du Sous-Lieutenant Maurice BEDIEZ observateur au GR II/33
- Source : Mr Patrick BEDIEZ, grand-son of Maurice BEDIEZ

- Addition citation from lieutenant Pierre BERNHEIM, Observer at GAO I/506
- Source : Mr Marc BERNHEIM, son of Pierre BERNHEIM

- Staff-Sergeant CASTELA
- Sergeant CERCUEIL Jean
- Sub-Lieutenant COLOMBET
- Sergeant MARION
- Adjutant POILANE
- Source Mr Etienne CERCUEIL, son of Sergeant Jean CERCUEIL
- Addition of 10 additional pages: human and material balance of the campaign (GBA I / 51 and GBA II / 51)
- Source : Mr FERRERO Didier
- Add Lieutenant Jean LATAILLADE, pilot (with photos).
- Add Soldat André ERLY, Machine-Gunner
Source Mme M. DULAS, daughter of Jean LATAILLADE
- Add 3 photos of Sub-Lieutenant André GIRON pilot.
- Source : Mr Gérard MENUT
- Add photo, biography and quotes of the Chief Warrant Officer Henri DUPORT
- Source : Mme MATHALY and Mr Dominique DUPORT,respectively daughter and nephew of Chief Warrant Officer Henri DUPORT.
- Adding more than 40 pages from the 51st Wing Guestbook (GBA I/51 et GBA II/51)
- Source : Mr FERRERO Didier

1) Addition of 17 Fighting pilot photos and Bombardment crew members. The photos are visible either by Pilot's name or by Squadron

11 Fighting pilots
6 Bombardment crew members
BARDIN Paul Sub-Lieutnenant GC III/2 GADY René Lieutenant GBA I/54
BOITELET Hubert Lieutenant GC I/5 LAMI René Sergeant GBA II/54
DE-BERTREM Vladimir Captain GC III/2 MITON André Adjutant GBA II/54
DUCLOS Sergeant GC III/2 PETITPAIN Pierre Staff-Sergeant GBA I/54
KERENGUEVEN Georges Captain GC III/2 SANNIER Marcel Sergeant GBA II/54
LAMBLIN Jacques Sergeant GC II/7
PANHARD René Sergeant GC II/7
PIZON René Staff-Sergeant GC III/2


Lieutenant GC I/5
January 2019 :
1) - Added Unpublished watercolors of shots 3 views of Mr JC FONTAN
Aircrafts List : Dewoitine 520 No49
Aircrafts List : Caudron Cr714 No15
Aircrafts List : Bloch MB152 No421
These watercolors are also visible respectively in the pages of the squadron GC I/3 , GC I/145 and GC I/1

1) Added 26 hunting pilot photos. The photos are visible either by name of Pilot or by Squadron

BOURSELOT Lieutenant GC II/10   LEENHARDT Tony Lieutenant GC II/10 - GC III/1
CANEL Jean Commander GC I/7 - GC II/9 LEPREUX Jacques Sergeant GC I/5
COLOMES Lucien Sub-lieutenant GC II/9 LE-RESTIF Yves Sub-Lieutenant GC I/5
CORMOULS Henri Lieutenant ECMJ I/16 MAZIER Henri Commander GC I/5
DELPARTE André Sergeant GC I/5 NICOLE Maurice Adjutant GC II/8
DURANTHON André Lieutenant GC II/2 PAPIN Marie Captain GC II/7
DURIEUX Commander GC II/7 PERTON André 2nd Class GR II/33
DUTEY-HARISPE Lieutenant GC II/10 - GC II/8 PLANCHARD Henri Sergeant GC II/7
GENTY Pierre Chief-Warrant-Officer GC I/5 RUBY Jean Sub-lieutenant GC I/8
GILLE Henri Chief-Warrant-Officer GC II/10 SOUCHE Germain Chief-Warrant-Officer GC II/10 - GC I/8
GRIMAUD Henri Lieutenant GC II/7 TANGUY Victor Sub-lieutenant GC I/8
HUGO Henri Captain GC II/7 VALENTIN Georges Chief-Warrant-Officer GC II/7
LANSOY André Sub-lieutenant GC III/2 WARNIER Fran�ois GC I/5
1) Added section "Citations" in chapter Air Force.
Listed here are 2447 Citations attributed to pilots and crewmen for feats of arms between September 1, 1939 and the Armistice in June 1940.
2) Section "Pilots" : added 256 names and 464 first names: 3142 Pilots and crew members are now listed.
3) Resolution "Enigmas Aircrafts" n � A08 and A12 thanks to the help of Mr JC FONTAN
4) - Added Unpublished watercolors of shots 3 views of Mr JC FONTAN
Mureaux 117 / Aircraft list : Mureaux 115 No41
Potez 637 / Aircraft list : Potez 637 No14 et 41
Morane-Saulnier MS406 / Aircraft List : :Morane-Saulnier MS406 No445
1) Aircrafts Enigmas :
1) Aircrafts (Main sheet or Aircrafts list)
Potez 390 : Added photos No53
1) Escadrille GB II/34 : added photos of Mrs : Blanchet / Astruc / Debrabant / Dupré / Feral / Fiquet / Gelly / Hugon / Lavolley / Lortscher / Quemener
2) Crews of Bombardment : Add Sheet Sergeant ASTRUC Roger
3) Aircrafts (Main sheet or Aircrafts list)
Amiot 350 : Added photos No56 + divers
Curtiss H75 : Added photos No219 / 305
Douglas DB7 : Added photos No40
Gleen-Martin 167F : Added photos No22
1) Bibliothèque : Correction problems display : all the book covers and the titles of chapters are from now on visible
2) Localisation des Unités : Online launch of the "Location of Units" section
1) Squadron GC I/1- Adding Photo Adjutant VEROTS
Source Mr Xavier LE CERF GALLE - Grandson of the Adjutant VEROTS
2) Squadron GR II/36 -Adding Photo and Indvidual Card of Sub-lieutenant Jacques CAMBEFORT - Observer : source Mr Yves CAMBEFORT, Son of Jacques CAMBEFORT
1) Aircraft Enigmas - Enigmas solving A10 and A13
- Forces Involved chapter :
- Pilots chapter :
- Added S. DUBOIS pilot GAO 545
- Added Henri BOUBE pilot GC III/4
- Squadrons chapter :
GC I/1 : Addition map localization of Airfields and addition photo of Captain ROQUES Jacques
- Forces Involved chapter :
- Add pages"Library"
The 623 pages of the site are now available in English,
Add pages "Emblems of Squadrons"
Solving Personnal Enigmas P01 et P03
Some problems of direct links NOK on the site currently (Squadrons Fighters in particular): I work to remedy it as soon as possible! On the other hand starting from this page to go to the pages, no problems ...
Crew Enigmas : Add Enigma P06
Air Force / Pilots / Reconnaissance Added photo and sheet Lt Eugène DUTARTRE
Divers : Beginning of the translation of the site in English: first English pages soon visible !
Air Force / Aerial areas
Air Force / Pilots /
- Added 13 photos of crew members of the bombing
- Added 32 photos of crew members of the Reconnaissance
Air Force / Squadrons /
- Ajout photos de pilotes dans les pages Escadrilles Reconnaissance et Bombardement
Air Force / Pilots /
- Fighter Pilots, Add 47 Photos of Pilots
Air Force / Squadrons /
- Add photos of pilots in Squadrons pages
Enigmas / Aircrafts /
Divers :
- Add counter visits on all pages of the site
- Update Format Individual cards Pilots
- Add counter visits on home page
From August to December
- Update posting pages of the site following online
July 6
Website upload









Links to WebSite
"Naval Aviation"