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Bloch MB200


Technical Specifications
Bomber medium four-seat with top wings and retractable landing gear
Date first flight
June 17, 1933
22.45 m 
16.0 m 
3.90 m 
Wing Area
67 m2 
Empty Weight
4474 Kg 
Max. Takeoff Weight
7280 Kg 
Cruising Speed
Maximum Speed
285 km/h at 4300m 
Climbing Speed
4000m in 11mn
Service ceilling
7000 m 
1000 kms
4 Men
2 Radial Engine Gnôme Rhône 14 Kirs 14 cyl air-cooled of 870ch each
1 machine-gun MAC 34 of 7.5mm in front
1 machine-gun MAC 34 of 7.5mm in ventral position

1 machine-gun MAC 34 of 7.5mm in dorsal position

1200 Kgs de bombes



210 Bloch MB 200 have been built since the date of the first flight on June 17, 1933 in only one version

To date, out of the 210 aircraft manufactured, 34 are listed in the list below :



The Bloch MB200 originated from a 1928 program, modified in 1930, then 1932, to replace LeO20.

This twin-engine bombardier of day and night bombardment, made its first flight in June 1933. It is entirely metallic, with fixed trains, powered by two Gnome-Rhone 14Krds, and is capable of carrying 1.2 tons of bombs at 1000kms at the speed of 280km / h.

The first official order concerns 30 machines. The first MB200 series, equipped with GR 14Kirs from 870Cv made its first flight in September 1934, and the first aircraft are perceived by the Air Force at the end of the year. Several other orders brought the number of MB200 to 200 copies. These are not all manufactured at "Bloch", but are distributed among other manufacturers, Potez, Hanriot, Loire and Breguet. All the exemplaries will be delivered during the year 1935, and distributed among the Bombardment Groups.

Although outdated, there are still 92 aircraft in service at the declaration of war in September 1939. The first combat losses accelerated their withdrawal Combat units and are no longer used in bombing schools. It is only at "Levant" that the Bloch MB200 continues an operational career by taking part in the fight in Syria in June 1941



The Bloch MB 200 has therefore been manufactured in only one version. There are, however, two ephemeral derivatives:
Bloch MB 201 : Same as the MB200 series, it is equipped with Hispano 12 Ybrs engines of 690 Cv water-cooled: two copies will be built.

Bloch MB 202 : Four-engine version equipped with GR 7Kdrs engines of 350 hp. It flew in 1934 before being definitively reformed three years later



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