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Sergeant Robert STARKE


Robert Starké was born June 13, 1915 in Woerth in the Bas-Rhin. He committed on August 24, 1935 as pilot pupil on the basis of Romilly. Once registered, he joined on May 15, 1936 the 1st Squadron of Fighting based in Bourget then in Villacoublay and finally in Etampes on October 20th of the same year.

On August 24, 1938, after having signed a new engagement, Sergeant Starké was assigned to the 2nd Squadron of GC I/1, a unit which at the date of declaration of war from France to Germany, September 3, 1939, is located in Chantilly and flies on Dewoitine 510, totally outdated. During the "Funny War", Sergeant Starké is promoted to Staff-Sergeant. He will be killed in a collision with another French pilot on June 20, 1940

Some feats of arm

On May 11, 1940, during a fight against BF109E, Sergeant STARKE was hit. He manages to bring back his BLOCH MB152 n ° 371 on the ground of Couvron, but its glass roof refusing to open, it will be necessary to extricate it.

On May 16, 1940, Sergeant STARKE set off on a mission with a GC I/1 patrol covering Paris. This patrol intercepts a DORNIER DO17. The latter, hit by the first gust, is hit by the empennage and his rear gunner is silenced. The enemy bomber managed to land near Chelles. This victory will be confirmed by the ground troops and attributed to the three pilots of the patrol.

On May 17, 1940, Sergeant STARKE took part in a cover mission in a GC I/1 patrol led by Captain GARDE. The creep intercepts a HENSCHEL HE126 observation that ignites and explodes. This victory is attributed to the three pilots of the patrol.

On June 5, 1940, Staff-Sergeant STARKE led a GC I/1 patrol for a destruction mission. The patrol encounters 7 BF109E: Staff Sergeant STARKE attacks a BF109E without success, and joins the patrol just in time to release a teammate attacked by a BF109E that he shoots in flames near Cuvilly.

On June 15, 1940, the GC I/1 sends 4 simple patrols that succeed one another throughout the day for a coverage of the Chateauroux area. Staff Sergeant STARKE is on a mission commanded by Captain GARDE. The triple patrol attacks a HENSCHEL HE126 and defeats it near Orleans. The crew managed to evacuate the aircraft and was captured on the ground.

On June 20, 1940, while flying over a HEINKEL HE111 destroyed on the ground, Sergeant STARKE collided with another French pilot of the GC I/8, the Sub-Lieutenant PORODO. This one comes out miraculously unscathed from the accident, but Sergeant SARKE is found charred in his plane.